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An electric skateboard for every budget: the electronic penny board

Electric skateboards have become increasingly popular in recent years. They make it possible to cover longer distances faster and easier without having to exert yourself physically. A special type of electric skateboard is the electronic penny board. This type of skateboard is particularly compact and lightweight, making it ideal for everyday use and portability. A big advantage of penny boards compared to other electric skateboards is that they are often cheaper.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the electronic penny board and explain what makes it special and what advantages it offers. We will also present and compare different models so that you can make the best choice for your needs.

  1. Introduction

  2. Advantages of Electric Skateboards

  3. The electronic penny board in detail

  4. Conclusion


I. Introduction

Electric skateboards have become increasingly popular in recent years. They make it possible to cover longer distances faster and easier without having to exert yourself physically. A special type of electric skateboard is the electronic penny board. This type of skateboard is particularly compact and lightweight, making it ideal for everyday use and portability. A big advantage of penny boards compared to other electric skateboards is that they are often cheaper.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the electronic penny board and explain what makes it special and what advantages it offers. We will also present and compare different models so that you can make the best choice for your needs.

II. Advantages of Electric Skateboards

Increase in range: A major advantage of electric skateboards over conventional skateboards is the increased range. The electric motor allows you to go much further without having to exert yourself physically. This is particularly useful when you need to travel longer distances, for example to work or school.

Ease of transportation: Another advantage of electric skateboards is that they are easier to transport than traditional skateboards. Because they are smaller and lighter, you can easily pack them in a bag and take them with you when you travel. This is especially useful when you need to take the skateboard with you on public transport or in the car.

Environmental friendliness: Another advantage of electric skateboards is that they are more environmentally friendly than traditional skateboards or even cars. They do not produce exhaust gases and are therefore not harmful to the environment. The power consumption is also very low compared to other means of transport.

III. The electronic penny board in detail


Electric penny boards work similarly to traditional electric skateboards, using an electric motor and battery to control the board's speed and range. The difference, however, is that penny boards tend to be less expensive than traditional electric skateboards.

Available Models

There are a variety of electronic penny boards on the market, many with different features and price points. Some models have higher range and performance, while others have a lower price. There are also penny boards that are specifically designed for beginners or advanced riders.

In our selection tool you can filter specifically for penny boards. To do this, select "Beginner" in step one to find correspondingly cheap boards.

price comparison

Electric penny boards tend to be cheaper than traditional electric skateboards, typically costing between $300-$400. However, due to the cheap price, penny boards often have lower quality decks, lower range and battery life, and lower electric motor power. So it pays to carefully compare the different models and features to find the penny board that best suits your needs.

IV. Conclusion

Electric skateboards, especially the electronic penny board, offer many advantages over traditional skateboards. The increase in range allows longer distances to be covered without effort, making it easier to get around. The electric support also simplifies transport. In addition, electric skateboards are environmentally friendly by using electricity instead of gasoline.

The electronic penny board is a cheaper alternative to regular electric skateboards and usually costs between 300-400€. However, at this lower price point, you have to make compromises in terms of deck quality, battery range and lifespan, and electric motor performance.

If you decide to buy an electric skateboard, you should find out about the different models in advance and compare prices. It is also good practice to regularly care for and maintain the skateboard to prolong its life and increase safety.


How does an electronic penny board work?

An electronic penny board is powered by an electric motor that allows the board to propel itself. It also uses a battery to control the board's speed and range.

What are the advantages of electric skateboards over traditional skateboards?

What makes the electronic penny board different from other electric skateboards?

What are the different models of electronic penny boards?

Is it possible to search specifically for beginner penny boards on your website?Yes, on our website you can search specifically for beginner penny boards via a selection tool by selecting "beginner" in step one to find correspondingly cheap boards.

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